Commercial Litigation

Elliott Blackburn has a group of highly-qualified litigators dedicated to winning high-stakes business disputes. We represent clients facing complex legal issues that require skilled and experienced advocates. We have a long history of success in both Federal and State courts and are experienced in trying cases before judges and juries. In complex commercial litigation and you need effective, experienced representation that you can trust to put your priorities first. We work hard to ensure that your case is handled efficiently, with communication that is easy to understand. Our litigation lawyers provide our clients with seamless and efficient representation in the most complex and sensitive matters.
Elliott Blackburn serves as local counsel in complex business and civil litigation cases. When a complex case is filed in southern Georgia our firm can assist out of town or out of state counsel in the case. We have significant litigation experience in the Southern Judicial Circuit and surrounding circuits and can assist with navigating the local court system. Additionally we can advise out of state clients and counsel on Georgia law and the Georgia Civil Practice act. We can advise in all areas of the case, particularly how the laws of Georgia and the rules of the local circuit impact the case for clients and counsel who may be unfamiliar with Georgia laws, rules, and local practices. By serving as local counsel we can give out of state clients and counsel confidence that their case is being handled correctly every step of the way.

Elliott Blackburn’s appellate practice serves clients we have represented at trial, as well as clients who hire us to handle the appeal exclusively.
Our lawyers have successfully argued cases before the Georgia Supreme Court, the Georgia Court of Appeals, and the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit. We also practice in, and regularly appear before, several federal and state courts including the United States District Courts for the Middle and Southern District of Georgia and Superior Courts in the Southern Judicial Circuit and Lowndes County State Court.
We have substantial experience challenging and defending trial rulings on appeal—ranging from big jury verdicts to tough questions of statutory or constitutional interpretation. Regardless of whether we handled your case in the trial court, our appellate lawyers will review every aspect of your case with fresh eyes. By scrutinizing the facts and relevant laws, we develop strategies for preserving or challenging the ruling below. Our lawyers often file amicus curiae briefs on behalf of clients to protect their interests in complex appellate court cases. Elliott Blackburn’s team of appellate lawyers brings years of success in state and federal appellate courts protecting our clients’ interests and the rule of law.

Elliott Blackburn represents businesses and local governments in employment law matters including discrimination claims, E.E.O.C. cases, non-compete agreements, and restrictive covenants. We are experienced handling claims for employers who have been charged with employment discrimination based upon race, gender, age, religion, national origin and disability. We regularly represent clients in E.E.O.C. investigations and in litigated cases in state and federal courts. We also provide guidance in drafting and defending covenants not to compete, other restrictive covenants, and employment agreements.